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Tuesday, November 19
PSSC Meeting

The PSSC members will be meeting via Teams on the third Tuesday of each month.

Tuesday, November 26
Provincial Student Wellness Survey

On Wednesday November 27th, our school will be participating in the annual provincial Student Wellness and Education Survey. This survey is a collaborative initiative of the Department of Education and...

Monday, December 2
Report Cards Issued

Report Cards will go home with students at the end of the day. Please have a look at your child’s Report Card along with the documents concerning Parent-Teacher Interviews.

Thursday, December 5
Parent/Teacher Interviews - Postponed

Due to the road and weather conditions, we are postponing our Parent Teacher Interviews to next Thursday December 12th. All scheduled appointments will be moved to that date and remain...

Friday, December 6
K-8 Parent/Teacher Interviews & School Based PL

There will be no school for students on this day. Parent/Teacher Interviews will be taking place in the morning from 9 AM until 11:30 AM. Teachers will be taking part...