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Winter Concert

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December 10 All day

Our annual Winter Concert scheduled for Tuesday, December 10th. If there is a storm day we will hold the performances at the same times on Thursday, December 12th.

To ensure all families will have an opportunity to see their children at the concert we will be dividing our audience into two sections. The morning performance at 11:00 AM will be for our K-2 families and the 1:00 PM performance will be for our 3-5 families. The entire K-5 will be performing at each show. Families with children in K-2 and 3-5 will need to choose one performance or the other.

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    Friday, December 6
    K-8 Parent/Teacher Interviews & School Based PL

    There will be no school for students on this day. Parent/Teacher Interviews will be taking place in the morning from 9 AM until 11:30 AM. Teachers will be taking part...
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